Un bilan lourd en termes de cyberattaques sur les entreprises tunisiennes en 2019, comment faire mieux en 2020?

Haythem Elmir

Un bilan lourd en termes de cyberattaques sur les entreprises tunisiennes en 2019, comment faire mieux en 2020? Les entreprises font face à une recrudescence des cyberattaques, due à plusieurs facteurs : L’élargissement des surfaces d’attaques : Le développement technologique, les efforts de numérisation des services et la transformation digitale des entreprises, […]

Expert discovered how to brick all Samsung mobile phones

Haythem Elmir

The popular French white hat hacker Robert Baptiste (aka @fs0c131y) discovered how to brick all Samsung mobile phones. French white hat hacker Robert Baptiste (aka @fs0c131y) discovered how to brick all Samsung mobile phones. I just published « How to brick all Samsung phones » on @Mediumhttps://t.co/B0uibgZRr5— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) May 12, 2019 Baptiste bought a Samsung mobile phone a […]

20 tips for 2020: Mistakes to avoid

Haythem Elmir

As we’re entering 2020, we’re also plotting out our New Year’s resolutions. Instead of suggesting what you should do next year, however, let’s have a look at some cybersecurity mistakes you should avoid for a more secure 2020. Denying you are a target You’ve probably already brushed off this possibility […]

The Coolest Hacks of 2019

Haythem Elmir

A FaceTime fail, weaponized sound, a ‘Prying Eye,’ and a wearable fingerprint ring, were among the more novel and odd hacks this year. In a year punctuated by endless reports of leaky cloud storage buckets, firmware flaws, and the resurgence of ransomware into a full-blown epidemic, security researchers still found […]

Online Privacy: What to Expect in 2020

Haythem Elmir

Cybersecurity today is an increasingly vital issue in the wake of several high profile hacks. After all, who can forget the recent CPDoS attack that affected millions of websites using CDNs? The majority of people spend most of their time online, either browsing random websites, working in the cloud, surfing social media […]

A CISO’s Security Predictions for 2020

Haythem Elmir

Having worked with some of the smartest and most competent CISOs and delivered literally hundreds of cybersecurity solutions to a broad variety of clients over the past decade, I have witnessed the amazing evolution of cyber defense technologies and an equally startling speed of recovery and response curve embraced by cyberattackers. See […]

20 tips for 2020: Be smarter with your smartphone

Haythem Elmir

Yesterday, we discussed bad cybersecurity habits you should avoid in 2020, especially where computers are involved. We’re not done yet. Some of the recommendations apply to both computers and smartphones, such as being especially wary when connecting to a public Wi-Fi network. Our upcoming cybersecurity tips are more smartphone-centric. Authentication You’d […]