IETF Approves TLS 1.3 as Internet Standard

Haythem Elmir

IETF Approves TLS 1.3 as Internet Standard The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) —the organization that approves proposed Internet standards and protocols— has formally approved TLS 1.3 as the next major version of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. The decision comes after four years of discussions and 28 protocol drafts, with […]

5 Things You Need to Know About Botnets

Haythem Elmir

There’s a common denominator between the surges of phishing email that continue to plague consumers, businesses and government agencies around the globe and the social media-fueled propaganda campaigns Russia has leveraged to undermine democratic elections in Europe and the United States. Neither would be doable without botnets as they exist today. For most people, the power and […]

The Drupal development team addressed many vulnerabilities in both Drupal 8 and 7, including some flaws rated as “critical”.

Haythem Elmir

Drupal maintainers have fixed many vulnerabilities in Drupal 7 and 8, including some flaws rated as “critical.” One of the critical security vulnerabilities is related to partial cross-site scripting (XSS) prevention mechanisms that was addressed with Drupal 8.4.5 and 7.57 versions. The popular CMS uses a JavaScript function that doesn’t completely sanitize the […]