Marap modular downloader opens the doors to further attacks

Haythem Elmir

Overview Proofpoint researchers recently discovered a new downloader malware in a fairly large campaign (millions of messages) primarily targeting financial institutions. The malware, dubbed “Marap” (“param” backwards), is notable for its focused functionality that includes the ability to download other modules and payloads. The modular nature allows actors to add […]

Unusual Malspam campaign targets banks with Microsoft Publisher files

Haythem Elmir

Researchers from Trustwave have uncovered a malspam campaign targeting banks with the FlawedAmmyy RAT. The peculiarity of this malspam campaign is the unusual use of a Microsoft Office Publisher file to infect victims’ systems. Experts noticed an anomalous spike in the number of emails with a Microsoft Office Publisher file (a .pub attachment) and the subject line, “Payment Advice,” […]

Linux Kernel Project rolled out security updates to fix two DoS vulnerabilities

Haythem Elmir

Linux kernel maintainers have rolled out security updates for two DoS vulnerabilities tracked as SegmentSmack and FragmentSmack. Linux kernel maintainers have released security patches that address two vulnerabilities, tracked as two bugs are known as SegmentSmack (CVE-2018-5390) and FragmentSmack (CVE-2018-5391). potentially exploitable to trigger a DoS condition. The vulnerabilities reside the Linux kernel’s […]

KeyPass ransomware

Haythem Elmir

In the last few days, our anti-ransomware module has been detecting a new variant of malware – KeyPass ransomware. Others in the security community have also noticed that this ransomware began to actively spread in August: Notification from MalwareHunterTeam Distribution model According to our information, the malware is propagated by means of […]

L1 Terminal Fault (L1TF) ou « Foreshadow », une vulnérabilité concerne les processeurs intel

Haythem Elmir

Dans le cadre de notre partenariat avec Intel, nous avons été informés de la découverte d’un vecteur exploitant les failles de type « attaques par canal auxiliaire d’exécution spéculative » (speculative execution side-channel attaks). Cette nouvelle vulnérabilité,  L1 Terminal Fault (L1TF), ou Foreshadow, est donc apparentée aux failles Spectre et Meltdown dévoilées […]