A new report from Carbon Black analyzed 1,000 ransomware samples to learn how attackers are using it and how threats are evolving. The explosive growth of ransomware is bad news for Windows users. Some 99% of ransomware attacks are targeting Microsoft products, according to a report from security firm Carbon Black, released […]
NotPetya cyber-attack cost TNT at least $300m
Delivery company FedEx says a recent cyber-attack cost its TNT division about $300m (£221m). The company was one of several to have its computer systems severely disrupted by the NotPetya ransomware outbreak in June. Company executives also acknowledged TNT had yet to fully restore all its IT operations and was […]
New Verizon leak exposed confidential data on internal systems
Security researchers have found yet another data exposure at Verizon. Confidential and sensitive documents, including server logs and several instances of credentials for internal systems, were found on an unprotected Amazon S3 storage server controlled by a Verizon Wireless customer, discovered by security researchers at the Kromtech Security Research Center. The […]
This new app can detect wireless credit card skimmers at gas pumps
Credit card skimmers on gas pumps and ATMs are more common than you think — and anyone (including yours truly) can get hit by them. Now, there’s an app that might just stop you from getting stung in the future. The app, currently only available for Android, works by looking for […]
Major cyber-attack will happen soon, warns UK’s security boss
A “category one” cyber-attack, the most serious tier possible, will happen “sometime in the next few years”, a director of the National Cybersecurity Centre has warned. According to the agency, which reports to GCHQ and has responsibly for ensuring the UK’s information security, a category one cybersecurity incident requires a national […]
ATB : E-banking et Mobile Banking certifiés ISO 27001 – ATB NET & ATB MOBILE en toute sécurité
Tunisie-Tribune (ATB) – Toujours soucieuse de garantir à ses clients un service à la pointe de la technologie tout en respectant les valeurs essentielles de sécurité, l’ATB a veillé à mettre en place un système de management de la sécurité de l’information (SMSI) pour ses nouveaux services Internet Banking et Mobile […]
The Growing Trend of African Governments’ Requests for User Information and Content Removal From Internet and Telecom Companies
The relationship between communications service providers, users and governments with regards to data protection, requests of user information and content take downs is increasingly taking centre stage in discussions around free, open and secure use of digital technologies. In February 2017, Millicom issued its second Law Enforcement Disclosure Report. Millicom’s report […]
La Grande Finale des Hack for Democracy camps (H4D camps) le 17 septembre: Les projets finalistes
La Grande Finale des Hack for Democracy camps (H4D camps) organisée par la Fondation internationale pour les systèmes électoraux et le Tunisian Youth Forum est prévue pour dimanche 17 septembre 2017 à partir de 9h00 à l’hôtel El Mouradi – Gammarth. Seront présents à l’occasion d’éminents représentants de Ministères, d’institutions publiques et privées, d’ambassades et de […]
Tunisie : Les start-up, du plomb dans l’aile, mais décidées à s’en faire pousser !
Sans être à la limite déplorable, l’état des start-up en Tunisie n’est pas non plus enviable. Ceux qui s’embarquent dans cette aventure ont nécessairement le gène du risque, un allié majeur qui ne les dispense cependant pas d’avoir maille à partir avec des parcours hérissés d’obstacles, le plus souvent insurmontables. […]
A clearer picture of the CCleaner backdoor incident
On Monday, Cisco and Piriform – the Avast-owned company behind the popular CCleaner utility – announced that certain versions of the software have been backdoored by hackers. To read the original article : https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2017/09/19/ccleaner-backdoor-incident/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter