New Form of Mirai Malware Attacking Cross Platform By leveraging Open-Source Project

Haythem Elmir

A newly discovered different form of Mirai malware leveraging Open-Source Project called Aboriginal Linux to infect multiple cross-platforms such as routers, IP cameras, connected devices, and even Android devices. Mirai malware has strong records of infecting poorly managing IoT devices and performing DDOS attacks on various platforms. Mirai Malware(Mirai.linux) initially reported in […]

AdvisorsBot Malware Attack on Hotels, Restaurants, and Telecommunications Via Weaponized Word Document

Haythem Elmir

Newly discovered AdvisorsBot Malware actively distributing by threat actor TA555 to target Hotels, Restaurants, and Telecommunications departments using a malicious word document. This Malware spreading in the various form via email with a fake content and trick victims to open it infect the victims and steal the sensitive data. Researchers observers that the AdvisorsBot Malware […]

Marap modular downloader opens the doors to further attacks

Haythem Elmir

Overview Proofpoint researchers recently discovered a new downloader malware in a fairly large campaign (millions of messages) primarily targeting financial institutions. The malware, dubbed “Marap” (“param” backwards), is notable for its focused functionality that includes the ability to download other modules and payloads. The modular nature allows actors to add […]

Unusual Malspam campaign targets banks with Microsoft Publisher files

Haythem Elmir

Researchers from Trustwave have uncovered a malspam campaign targeting banks with the FlawedAmmyy RAT. The peculiarity of this malspam campaign is the unusual use of a Microsoft Office Publisher file to infect victims’ systems. Experts noticed an anomalous spike in the number of emails with a Microsoft Office Publisher file (a .pub attachment) and the subject line, “Payment Advice,” […]