CryptoNar Ransomware Discovered and Quickly Decrypted

Haythem Elmir

This week a new CryptoJoker ransomware variant was discovered called CryptoNar that has infected victims. The good news, is that a free decryptor was quickly released so that these victims can get their files back for free. This ransomware was first discovered by MalwareHunterTeam and at first glance it looks like a ransomware with little to […]

WiFi Broadcasts in All Version of Android OS Leaking Sensitive Data Including IP Addresses, BSSID, WiFi Network Name

Haythem Elmir

WiFi Broadcasts in Android OS Leaking sensitive data from a user’s Android device and the details about all the application that running on the user’s device. All the version of Android running devices is affected by this vulnerability including  Amazon’s FireOS for the Kindle. It leaks Sensitive information such as WiFi network name, BSSID, […]

What is a Credit Card Dump?

Haythem Elmir

That black strip on the back of your credit card holds a lot of information about your credit card account. A credit card dump is stolen electronic copy of that information. Criminals use the credit card dump to create clones of your credit card and use them to make unauthorized credit […]

Le FBI avertit que les cybercriminels préparent un piratage de masse contre les guichets automatiques bancaires

Haythem Elmir

Le FBI avertit que les cybercriminels préparent un piratage de masse contre les guichets automatiques bancaires Les chefs des services de renseignement américains ont averti les banques qu’une menace de piratage importante pesait sur les distributeurs de billets dans le monde entier au cours des prochains jours. Le FBI a […]