Chaining 3 zero-days allowed pen testers to hack Apple macOS computers

Haythem Elmir

Dropbox team disclosed three critical zero-day vulnerabilities in Apple macOS, chaining them it is possible to take over a Mac computer. Dropbox team disclosed three critical zero-day vulnerabilities (CVE-2017-13890, CVE-2018-4176, CVE-2018-4175) affecting the Apple macOS operating system, an attacker could chain them to remotely execute arbitrary code on a targeted Mac computer. The attacker […]

Sofacy APT group used a new tool in latest attacks, the Cannon.

Haythem Elmir

Sofacy APT group (aka APT28, Pawn Storm, Fancy Bear, Sednit, Tsar Team, and Strontium) has a new weapon in its arsenal dubbed Cannon. The Russia-linked APT group delivers Cannon in a spear-phishing attack that targets government organizations in North America, Europe and in a former USSR state. Experts at Palo Alto Networks spotted a new campaign in late October and early […]

Security bug exposes password of Instagram users

Haythem Elmir

A security bug inside Instagram’s “Download Your Data” tool that could have been exploited to expose password of thousands of users around the world. The feature « Download Your Data » was introduced in April this year after the change in the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  It allows users […]

اختراق موقع الاهلي المصري قبل يوم من مباراة النهائي

Haythem Elmir

تم اليوم اختراق الموقع الرسمي للاهلي المصري قبل ساعات من مباراة الدور النهائي اياب لكأس رابطة الابطال الافريقية، وقد تم وضع صورة لفريق الترجي الرياضي التونسي مرفوقة بعنوان  » الترجي ينتصر على الاهلي المصري بنتيجة 5 اهداف مقابل صفر. ونجح الهاكر في حذف أخر الأخبار على الصفحة الرئيسية للنادي الاهلي […]

New attack by Anonymous Italy: personal data from ministries and police have been released online

Haythem Elmir

New attack by Anonymous Italy: personal data from ministries and police have been released online. The site of Fratelli d’Italia, a post-fascist party, has been defaced The iconoclastic fury of Italian Anonymous does not stop. As announced, the three groups that coordinate the operation “Black Week” have released also today new […]