Call for applications to the first
Tunisian School of Internet Governance (TSIG)
16 October 2017
SESAME University, Ariana Tunisia
The deadline for submission is 12 October 2017 at 23:59 UTC
In today’s fast-paced world, Internet Governance (IG) discussions are playing a significant role in shaping the world’s Digital future at the social, educational, cultural, legal, economic, and political levels.
This first Tunisian School On Internet Governance (TSIG) aims at bridging the gap that we have been noticing for years in terms of effective participation in IG-related policy-making processes at national, regional and international platforms.
TSIG Concept
- Provide a quality learning environment through distinguished experts.
- Raise awareness on the most up-to-date IG issues.
- Encourage an interactive format to prepare the participants to future high-level discussions.
- Provide networking opportunities to engage with faculty and civil society activists.
- Enable individuals residing in Tunisia to contribute to other regional and global initiatives and hence foster inclusiveness and diversity.
Eligibility criteria
The participants must submit a statement of interest in English, French or Arabic and meet the following criteria:
- Belong to one of the target stakeholder groups: Academia (including students) &technical community, Private sector, Civil society or Government.
- Strong interest in IG-related and policy-making issues.
- Have good command of Arabic, French, and English.
All applications that meet the deadline for submissions will be reviewed, and qualified applicants will be selected by the Selection Committee comprised of the organizers, and will take into account different stakeholders, and gender balance.
The number of participants is limited due to the available space.
Expectations from selected candidates
- Do some research around IG-related issues.
- Dedicate a full day (October 16th) to attend the full program.
- Attend the Internet Governance Forum 2017.
- Knowledge of Arabic, French, and English.
- Be responsive to the organizer’s emails.
Accepted participants will receive :
- Registration for the TSIG.
- Lunch, coffee breaks.
- Certificate of Attendance.