New attack by Anonymous Italy: personal data from ministries and police have been released online

Haythem Elmir

New attack by Anonymous Italy: personal data from ministries and police have been released online. The site of Fratelli d’Italia, a post-fascist party, has been defaced The iconoclastic fury of Italian Anonymous does not stop. As announced, the three groups that coordinate the operation “Black Week” have released also today new […]

Lancement des guichets automatiques 30 Crypto en Inde – Unocoin dévoile une solution à l’interdiction bancaire de RBI

Haythem Elmir

Unocoin, un important centre de cryptographie en Inde, a officiellement annoncé le lancement de ses guichets automatiques cryptographiques. Le PDG Sathvik Vishwanath a déclaré à que, Initialement, la société prévoit de déployer des machines 30 dans trois villes indiennes. «Ces guichets automatiques aident les gens à encaisser et à encaisser […]

Attackers behind Operation Oceansalt reuse code from Chinese Comment Crew

Haythem Elmir

Security researchers from McAfee have recently uncovered a cyber espionage campaign, tracked as Operation Oceansalt, targeting South Korea, the United States, and Canada. The threat actors behind Operation Oceansalt are reusing malware previously associated with China-linked cyberespionage group APT1. “McAfee Advanced Threat Research and Anti-Malware Operations teams have discovered another unknown data reconnaissance implant targeting Korean-speaking users.” reads […]