POS Malware Abuses Exposed ElasticSearch Nodes for C&C

Haythem Elmir

Two point of sale (POS) malware families have been abusing thousands of publicly accessible ElasticSearch nodes for command and control (C&C) purposes, Kromtech security researchers warn. Malicious files discovered on the ElasticSearch deployments referenced to the AlinaPOS and JackPOS malware families, which are well known for their wide use in credit card data […]

EU to Launch Cybersecurity ‘Safety Labels’

Haythem Elmir

The European Union unveiled plans Tuesday to step up its response to cyber attacks, including a new intelligence-sharing agency, cyber war games and product safety labels. The proposals by the European Commission, the executive arm of the 28-nation bloc, come amid growing concerns over election hacking by foreign states, ransomware […]

Ransomware: Prevention is the best solution

Haythem Elmir

Ransomware is malicious software that denies you access to your computer or files until you pay a ransom. There are several types of ransomware that are commonly seen: files/folders encryptors screen ‘lockers‘ MBR ransomware (MBR: master boot record) To read the original article : http://improve-your-security.org/ransomware-prevention-is-the-best-solution/